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          Samantha Workman (she/her), a printmaker and mixed media illustrator, creates various prints exploring mental health and ADHD through surrealism and fantastical storytelling. She is best known for her screen prints and etchings utilizing shadows and found textures.

           Born in the bustling harbor city of Anchorage, AK, she was uprooted to rural Minnesota when she was 15. This led to a fascination with the fantastical in order to escape. Her recent work has transformed into the need to challenge that feeling of wanting to escape, while still maintaining a narrative and surrealist point of view.

             Her work has been shown locally at the University of Minnesota’s Edward J. & Helen Jane Morrison Gallery as well as the Prairie Renaissance Cultural Alliance Gallery in Morris, MN. Her prints have been included nationally in various print exchanges ranging from Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Fergus Falls to the Brooklyn Art Library in New York. She is also the recipient of the 2024 Art Club Grant from the University of Minnesota Morris.

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